Saturday, April 20, 2013

FAA approves Boeing 787 battery fix, gives the green light for repairs

There's been a few weeks of silence following the Boeing 787's successful battery testing, but the FAA has finally weighed in on the proposed design tweaks. Today the organization approved Boeing's battery fix, which means the aircraft maker can take the next step in returning the fleet of 50 Dreamliners to the air. The real action will come next week, when the FAA will issue instructions for making changes to the 787s and -- according to an official statement -- "publish in the Federal Register the final directive that will allow the 787 to return to service." Airlines operating the Dreamliner -- including United and ANA -- will be required to install containment and venting systems for the batteries in addition to replacing the batteries with the new, modified components.


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Via: Reuters

Source: FAA


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